Introducing AI Autoblogger

Introducing AI Autoblogger
 While the CyberSEO Pro plugin acts as a Swiss army knife, combining content syndication features and AI-powered article generation, it has a relatively complex, multi-functional interface and requires knowledge of shortcodes. This complexity can make it a challenging tool for those who are not professional webmasters. Introducing AI Autoblogger – a specialized plugin designed for users who need an...

Batch insert and replace images in WordPress posts

Batch insert and replace images in WordPress posts
In addition to the ability to embed images and YouTube videos into WordPress posts via shortcodes, the CyberSEO Pro and RSS Retriever plugins introduce a batch method for adding graphic and video content via the Media enrichment panel. While this interface allows you to insert media content above and below the post text, and to store image links in the...

Where to get images for an autoblog?

Where to get images for an autoblog?
In our tutorial articles, we’ve thoroughly explored the process of creating high-quality articles for your autoblog using CyberSEO Pro and RSS Retriever plugins. These tools offer the ability to generate informative and engaging WordPress posts of virtually any size, using advanced technologies like OpenAI GPT-4, Google Gemini Pro, and Anthropic Claude. However, beyond compelling textual content with rich HTML formatting,...

Back to the topic of image generation with AI – CyberSEO Pro

Back to the topic of image generation with AI – CyberSEO Pro
This article will explain the benefits of the %gpt_keyphrase%, shortcode, which is available in both the CyberSEO Pro and RSS Retriever plugins. Every time when you use this shortcode, the plugin instructs OpenAI’s GPT to analyze the article at hand and identify a tangible subject or object that captures the essence of the article. This generated keyword or phrase can...

WordPress autoblogging with CyberSEO and OpenAI GPT – A roadmap to legal compliance – CyberSEO Pro

WordPress autoblogging with CyberSEO and OpenAI GPT – A roadmap to legal compliance – CyberSEO Pro
In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, content creation is an essential part of any successful online strategy. The integration of OpenAI GPT with the CyberSEO Pro plugin for WordPress provides an exciting solution for automatically generating content without violating intellectual property laws. This approach is not only legally compliant, but also a cost-effective alternative to hiring professional copywriters. Understand and comply...

API request limit – CyberSEO Pro

API request limit – CyberSEO Pro
In the previous article titled “Be careful with content filtering and paid 3rd-party services“, we discussed how to avoid overpaying for inefficient requests made by the CyberSEO Pro plugin to paid services such as OpenAI GPT API and Article Forge. While we provided recommendations on how to avoid such overpayments, we understand that sometimes it’s not enough. As a result,...

Dummy feeds. What they are and how to use them – CyberSEO Pro

Dummy feeds. What they are and how to use them – CyberSEO Pro
Most CyberSEO Pro users use the plugin only to import content from third-party sources like RSS, XML, JSON feeds and CSV files. The plugin really has no competitors in this, but… did you know that you can create your own dummy feed campaigns that have no content? If you ask – “what for?”, the answer will be immediately obvious to...

Use the power of OpenAI GPT-3 and DALL·E 2 with CyberSEO Pro

Use the power of OpenAI GPT-3 and DALL·E 2 with CyberSEO Pro
CyberSEO Pro has been integrated with the cutting-edge OpenAI GPT-3 (you may be familiar with it by ChatGPT) and DALL·E 2 technologies from OpenAI to give you the ability to generate completely new articles and unique images based on just a title or a short description,according to your assignment, written in a regular human language. OpenAI’s GPT-3 (short for “Generative...